Issue Position: Campaign Platform

Issue Position

If you are happy with the way things are going in the country and in CA, then vote to reelect Senator Feinstein. If you want a real change, new jobs to our failing economy, solution to the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, vote for me. A number of years ago one of sitting CA Senators ran under a slogan "Barbara Boxer gives a damn". Today I am running under a slogan "Orly Taitz gives a damn", as I am sick and tired of career politicians who do not care about 99.9% of the country.

1. I will bring forward legislative proposals to accelerate domestic energy production, particularly in CA. We need to review EPA provisions, which make US energy production limited and costly and which costs us millions of lost jobs. We have to modify some of those requirements and place tariffs on foreign oil, which was produced without such costly requirements. We need to level the playing field for American workers and American energy production.

2. I will bring proposals that will tie the stimulus that was given to the banks to loan modification to homeowners. We have seen stimulus money being funneled to foreign banks or used to employ foreign citizens, which does not stimulate the U.S. economy. This needs to stop. Stimulus paid with American taxpayer dollars needs to stimulate American economy and help American workers and American taxpayers.

3. I will bring proposals of sanctions against China for currency manipulation, which results in loss of millions of American jobs and particularly jobs in CA. By assessing such sanctions, we will even the playing field and bring jobs to U.S. and CA.

4. I will bring forward legislative proposals for modification of WTO-GATT 1994 (World Trade Organization Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) agreements to account for wage manipulation. When wages are kept artificially low in communist dictatorships like China, it creates a depletion of jobs in the US. By placing such provisions we will bring jobs back to the U.S.

5. We need to give tax credit for companies repatriating to the U.S. When these companies hire unemployed American citizens, for every dollar paid in taxation by newly hired American worker, we will give a dollar credit to the repatriating employer.

6. We need to balance the budget and curb an unprecedented debt. The Federal interests paid on expenditures does not exceed yet national defense expenditures, but if we add private, state and local interests, if probably does. Today U.S. spends more money on interests on debts, than on national defense. This has to stop.

7. In foreign policy we need to support US allies. We need to stop nuclear proliferation, threatening U.S. national security.

8. I will hold accountable employees of the U.S. Department of Justice, who were involved in "Fast and Furious" operations, where thousands of assault weapons were sold to drug cartels in Mexico. Such operations threaten lives of thousands of people in both U.S. and Mexico.

9. I will launch investigation of the Department of Energy and other departments, which gave loans of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to crony campaign benefactors. We need to make sure, that there are safeguards against scandals like Solyndra, where over 500 million taxpayer dollars were given to a company going bankrupt and the loan was modified to put U.S. taxpayer interests behind the interests of the political benefactors.

10. I will fight to clean up massive elections fraud which leads to the same corrupt politicians being pronounced winners of elections, while our ballots are counted by a foreign corporation, while the electronic voting machines and electronic ballot counting scanners are easily rigged and while our Secretary of State Debra Bowen is intentionally refusing to verify identification and eligibility of voters and candidates. In this environment we cannot trust any of the election results.

11. I will fight for whistleblowers who are being persecuted today by the establishment for blowing the whistle on corrupt
governmental officials, corrupt president, corrupt congressmen and judges.

12. I will launch an investigation of Barack Obama for occupying the White House, while using a fraudulently obtained Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4225, which was never assigned to him according to E-verify and SSNVS and for using a computer generated forgery (according to experts) instead of a valid Long Form birth certificate. I will demand investigation and prosecution of governmental officials who are aiding and abetting Barack Obama in his occupation of the position of the U.S. President without any valid identification papers.
